Aug 9, 2008

An August night

Our night out began with a free concert of traditional andulsian music and dance at Templo de Debod for the Veranos de la Villa 2008 and ended with drinks at our neighbourhood party.

Templo de Debod is an authentic Egyptian temple that was built in the 2nd century BC and given to the Spanish in 1968.

There are free concerts all summer. The lights at the end are for the stage.

After the concert we walked back to our barrio for the fiesta. Lavapiés was the former Jewish quarter of the city until the expulsion of the Jews in 1492. Nowadays it's the most multi-enthic barrio in Madrid with more than 50% of its population of foreign origin. I love all the different faces I can see here.

Bingo is always popular.

So are the Mmmm Mojitos I got at a Cuban bar.


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