Taken in a bar a in Salamanca, Spain.
I just found out that my photo of dangling pig legs has been shortlisted for publication in Schmap Guides Online. It's not a paying gig but I suppose it's great exposure and flattery, which the vain peacock in me craves and delights in.
If you're wondering why all the photos lately, well, there are two very good reasons. 1) I've been inspired by daily photo blogs that give the reader a pictorial view of life in the city like Paris Daily Photo. 2) I've hit a bit of a wall with writing. I've got another depression related post in the works but haven't been able to finish it yet. So stay tuned, it's coming. I'll get past this block.
In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying my various photos of Madrid.
I think it's very cool that your photo might be picked! Congrats. You have a very good eye for composition and color.
Thanks! I love taking photos. And I like to think I do OK with my little point and shoot camera.. but I often get focus and zoom envy... sigh.. Do you take photos too?
Not much any more but I used to shoot a lot of film back in the day. Got some decent shots. :o) I'm not good with digital at all though.
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