Jul 31, 2010

Brighton Unblinged ~ Alt.Graffiti.Scene

Followers of my blog will already know my predilection for street art - I document graffiti wherever I go and Brighton didn't disappoint. There's a great little street art scene in B.Right.On. The graffiti style ranges from tacky whimsical mermaids to photorealistic faces.

In and around Bond Street, I found this collection of illegal, store front and Brighton council commissioned graffiti.

A commission wall art project just off Bond Street:
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
A store front piece:
Brighton Graffiti. Store front on Bond St.
Random stencil work on newspaper.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall on Bond St.
Boy Juggler at Artrepublic.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall of ArtRepublic on Bond St.~ boy juggler
Girl Juggler outside Artrepublic.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall of ArtRepublic on Bond St.~ girl juggler
Brighton Graffiti. Wall of ArtRepublic on Bond St.
Walls in retro stylee from small alleyways off Bond Street.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
Brighton Graffiti. Wall mural off Bond St.
Below are a select few works from the ubiquitous and prolific Cassette Lord. Read an interview with him here.
Brighton Graffiti. Green Boxes in Various locations.

All photography by Shehani Kay


Anonymous said...

Hi, I run a Brighton-based urban art agency called Wet Paint Productions and we are responsible for a lot of the images you profiled on your blog as part of our annual street art jam called The Beautiful and the Canned. Our blog can be found on: www.wetpaintproductions.co.uk Happy to help with your future search for Brighton graffiti.



Shehani said...

Thanks for the link, Guy! Awesome stuff on there!

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