May 3, 2009

You make me want to put a gun to my head

Photo of this strikingly dramatic mural was taken by me in Malasaña right outside Metro Tribunal.

Yesterday was Dos the Mayo, the day Madrileños rose up against the French in 1808. We walked around Malasaña and found very little was happening in Plaza Dos de Mayo. So we kept wandering the streets and saw a lot of fun and interesting street art and dolls in window displays. I'll post photos of them next weekend. I don't know this barrio very well so it was a walk full of curious new faces, sights and sounds. A reminder, perhaps, that I should wander outside of my barrio more often...

I'm about to run off to Casa de Campo with some friends for a walk and picnic so I'm just leaving you with a taste of what's to come in my subsequent posts. Stay tuned and come back often.

Happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

So often the case, especially when it come to malasana. There is a cool place called "la maison de la lanterne rouge". There you can investigate interesting clothes, have a cuppa, go on the net and look at a bit of art. It's a cool place. Here's their website, if you fancy a browse...

Shehani said...

Thanks for the link! I took a look and yeah, it totally has some cool shit. I'll have to go during biz hours one day soon.

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