Gaudi's lizard in Parc Güell, Barcelona. Originally uploaded by Shehani
Schmap has shortlisted another one of my photos. The last photo of mine they shortlisted, Jamon, was published in their Salamanca guide. I was flattered and my vain ego was well stroked. This time, however, I'm not so keen to agree with their free use policy. They are a for-profit business that earns money through advertising. The travel guide earns more money if they don't pay people for the "unlimited" use of their photos. Schmap is very polite about permission and credits every photo but I just don't agree with the idea of for-profit businesses not paying producers for the use of their content. So, this time around, I didn't give them permission to use my photo.
I love this shot. It looks like the lizard is about to eat the woman's arm. This photo was taken during a public holiday and so the park was packed with people. It was rather difficult to get in any shots without the throngs of people. Parc Güell is Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece of whimsical structures, serpentine staircases and gorgeous mosaics of ceramic tiles.
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