Sep 9, 2008

meditation slideshow

This slideshow is courtesy of Ten Second Meditation.

I've been practicing those "incantations" I mentioned in work blues using this slideshow. The statements are timed for breathing in 5 seconds then breathing out for 5 seconds when the words slide offscreen.  Say half the sentence while breathing in and the other half while breathing out. For example, with this first incantation, I say, "I am completely.." breathing in.. "stopping.." breathing out. Hopefully this makes sense. I like this meditation a lot. It's a quick way to get centered. All 12 incantations take only 2 minutes. The slideshow is an aid to remembering the incantations and I personally like the beautiful painted vistas to look at. I've been quite down lately so every little thing I can do to keep calm and centered on the present moment really helps.. Try it out and let me know what you think. 

This slideshow has inspired me to create my own using my photos and flute music but I'll need to learn some new software skills to pull it off. Once I've got it figured out, I'll post my own version.

peace out


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