Mar 28, 2010

Visions from La Casa de Bernarda Alba

bernarda ~ lounge
Last night I watched Teatro Espada de Madera's (Calle Calvario, 21) presentation of Lorca's La Casa de Bernarda Alba. The theatre is housed in the old Jewish quarter of Madrid, Lavapies, on a steep street where centuries ago, Calvario No 21 were sentenced to death by stoning. The theatre interior looks like a restored synagogue, though I don't know if this is actually the case.

Impressions from the upstairs lounge
bernarda ~ lounge
bernarda diptych
bernarda ~ lounge

The ticket ladies
bernarda diptych2 ~ ticket ladies

The theatre chamber with wooden choir benches surrounding the stage.
bernarda ~ inside the chamber

In this version directed by Antonio Díaz-Florián, the characters are dwarfs. The performances were wonderful and even with my terrible Spanish, I was able to follow the story without any prior knowledge of the plot or characters. Yay for me.
bernarda ~ the performance

bernarda ~ cast
After the play these lovely ladies were generous enough to pose for a photo and to give my friend a copy of the playbill. The last performance of La Casa de Bernarda Alba is tonight, so if you're in the neighbourhood and there's seat, I recommend that you go to this play.


hotel bedding said...

Looks like such a good time :)

Shehani said...

It was super interesting. I loved the costumes and the decor!

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